
Flying around Antioch of Pisidia National Park. Turkey. DJI-0270-04

Aerial view of ruins and excavations of ancient Antioch of Pisidia and its surroundings.

Antioch in Pisidia – a.k.a Antiochia in Pisidia, is an ancient city ruins in the Turkish Lakes Region, at the crossroads of the Mediterranean, Aegean and Central Anatolian regions, 1 km northeast of Yalvaç, the modern town of Isparta Province.
Antioch was the military and administrative center of Galatia and guarded the access of the high road from Ephesus to Syria.
Antioch became one of the first Anatolian (modern Turkey) cities to accept Christianity. Saint Paul came to Antioch and chose it as a center for his missionary activities.
The church dedicated to Saint Paul stands on the west side of the city and was its largest church.
Other buildings include a fifteen thousand sits amphitheater, a Roman bath, monumental fountain, well built aqueducts, a horseshoe shaped stadium seating thirty thousand, and the Men sanctuary.
Biblical Pisidian Antioch is one of the significant places for Early-Christians history. Although only ten percent of the city has so far been revealed, this once magnificent ancient capital city is a fascinating place to visit.

SKU: 160518-a4K-TUR-AntiochOfPisidia-DJI-0270-04

Old Price: $30.00
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