
Flying toward the Church of Beatitudes complex. Israel. DJI-0219-07

Aerial view of Church of Beatitudes complex, at the hills near the Sea of Galilee.
The Church of Beatitudes is located on a small hill overlooking the northern shore of Sea of Galilee, the traditional “mount” on which Jesus has delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
The modern church was built around 1936 and 1938 near the fourth-century Byzantine ruins. The floor plan is octagonal, the eight sides representing the eight Beatitudes.
Christian pilgrims are known to have commemorated this site since at least the 4th century. In her itinerary of the Holy Land, after describing the Church of the Loaves and Fishes.

SKU: 160417-a4K-ISR-ChurchOfBeautitude-DJI-0219-07

Old Price: $20.00
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