
Walking through the forest of Dan Reserve. Israel. DJI-0011-01

POV shot of forest tunnels at Biblical Dan Nature Reserve.

Tell (Tel=Hill or Mountain)) Dan is a nature reserve and the source of the Dan and Jordan rivers. It is an impressive archaeological site with unique remains of the Canaanite and Israelite cities and a Biblical High Place.

Dan is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, as the northernmost city of the Kingdom of Israel and part of the tribe of Dan territory. And also known as Tel Dan “Mound of Dan” in Hebrew, or Tell el-Qadi “Mound of the Judge” in Arabic.
Dan is lays to the east of the southern part of Mount Lebanon and to the west and south of the Hermon mountains, on the eastern border of Golan Heights.
Hermon mountains provides the majority of the water of the Jordan River, making Dan region the highly fertile lands.

Main points of interest:
The Dan Stream – the source of the water is the gushing abundance creating a strong current.
Paradise Springs – breathtaking forest tunnels and channels along the riverside forest offers charming and shady corners.
Abraham Gate (the Canaanite Gate) – an ancient gate from the Canaanite period.
The Israelite Gate – another gate from the Israelite period, and a paved podium recalling descriptions from the Bible.
Ritual site – a ritual compound bringing to mind biblical stories of the Golden Calf.

Dan Reserve is a perfect combination between a breathtaking nature and horrifying reminder of ritual sacrifices of alternative worship.

SKU: 160322-g4K-ISR-TelDan-CanaaniteGate-DJI-0011-01

Old Price: $3.00
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