
Aerial of Upper Jordan Valley and River near Bethsaida. Israel. DJI-0008-07

Aerial view of Upper Jordan Valley near ancient Bethsaida ruins, and northern shore of Kinneret – Sea of Galilee.
Bethsaida – “house of hunting” or “fishing”in Hebrew.
Bethsaida was the hometown of the apostles Peter, Andrew, and Philip.
Archaeologists tend to agree that the capital city of the Geshur kingdom was located at et-Tell, a place also inhabited on a lesser scale during the first centuries BCE and CE. Location of Et-Tell is often identified with the town of Bethsaida of New Testament.

Bethsaida is believed to be located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, near the Upper Jordan River.

SKU: 160321-a4K-ISR-JordanRiver-Bethsaida-DJI-0008-07

Old Price: $18.00
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