
Inside the Sukkah (Tabernacle). Jerusalem. C0025-01

Sukkot – is a biblical Jewish holiday, commonly translated as Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Chag HaAsif, the Feast of Ingathering. or “Harvest Festival”.
The Hebrew word sukkot is the plural of sukkah, “booth” or “tabernacle”, which is a walled structure covered with s’chach (plant material such as overgrowth or palm leaves). A sukkah is the name of the temporary dwelling in which farmers would live during harvesting, a fact connecting to the agricultural significance of the holiday.
It is also intended as a reminiscence of the type of fragile dwellings in which the Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of travel in the desert after the Exodus from slavery in Egypt. Throughout the holiday, meals are eaten inside the sukkah and many people sleep there as well.
The sukkah walls can be constructed of any material (wood, canvas, aluminum siding, sheets). The walls can be free-standing or include the sides of a building or porch. The roof must be of organic material, known as s’chach, such as leafy tree overgrowth, schach mats or palm fronds. It is customary to decorate the interior of the sukkah with hanging decorations of the four species and some art works.

SKU: 121008-gHD-ISR-Jerusalem-Sukkot-C0025-01

Old Price: $20.00
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