
Umbrellas to protect elders from heat. Western Wall. Jerusalem. C0020-3

Over 100,000 men attend the collective prayer at Western Wall during Priestly Blessing.
Covering head with Tallit is the ceremony used for prayer in synagogues and at the Western Wall.
The Western Wall, Wailing Wall, or Kotel is a relatively small segment of a far longer ancient retaining wall, known also in its entirety as the “Western Wall” of Second Jewish Temple. built the Temple Mount of Jerusalem by Herod the Great over 2000 years ago and destroyed by Romans in 70 AD.
Western Wall is the holiest site in the Jewish faith.
The priestly blessing takes place daily in every synagogue across the country. But only twice a year a mass Priestly Blessing is held at the Western Wall, once during Passover and once during Sukkot.

SKU: 120506-gHD-ISR-Jerusalem-Priestly-Blessing-C0020-3

Old Price: $30.00
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