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Aerial view of empty Western Wall and Dome of the Rock at Temple Mount of Jerusalem, during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.… Read more


One of the most striking churches in Jerusalem commemorates the apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Master, his immediate repentance and his reconciliation with Christ after the Resurrection.… Read more


The Second Temple Jerusalem Model recreates the city of 66 BC. It is the glorious reproduction of the Temple itself, which gives a real sense of the amazing achieved by King Herod and his builders.… Read more


Aerial view of Tell Shiloh National Park excavations and ancient ruins, and the surrounding hills of Benjamin Plateau.… Read more


Aerial view the Jordan River, near Qasr El Yahud and St John the Baptist Baptismal Site. Jordan River is the natural border between Jordan and Israel.… Read more


Qumran is an archaeological site located on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, near kibbutz of Kalya. Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. … Read more


Aerial view of Tomb of Samuel and its surroundings. Nabi Samuil National Park is believed to be the site of Prophet Samuel's burial place, and is recognized by Jews, Christians and Muslims.… Read more


The Pool of Siloam was a rock-cut water reservoir on the southern slope of the City of David, the original site of Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City.… Read more


Unique location of Nazareth (On top of the ridge, but in the bottom of the valley) served as the "escape place", for those who wished to distance themselves from progressing Roman invasion.… Read more


The Dead Sea known in Hebrew as Yam Ha-Melakh (the Sea of Salt) is the lowest point on earth, surrounded by the stunning landscape of the Negev Desert. … Read more


Aerial view of breathtaking desert and surroundings of Wadi Qelt, a.k.a Nahal Prat region at Judaean Desert. Main ancient road between Jerusalem and Jericho, a backdrop for story of Good Samaritan.… Read more


On the northeastern edge of the City of David, just south of the Temple Mount is what is believed to be David’s Palace, which is in two parts that are collectively called “Area G.” … Read more


Aerial view on Elah Valley. The Valley of Elah best know as the place of battle between David and the Giant Goliath, one of the classic Biblical drama stories. … Read more


Aerial view the Jordan River, near Qasr El Yahud and St John the Baptist Baptismal Site. Jordan River is the natural border between Jordan and Israel.… Read more


Unique location of Nazareth (On top of the ridge, but in the bottom of the valley) served as the "escape place", for those who wished to distance themselves from progressing Roman invasion.… Read more


Aerial view of Tomb of Samuel and its surroundings. Nabi Samuil National Park is believed to be the site of Prophet Samuel's burial place, and is recognized by Jews, Christians and Muslims.… Read more


2000 years old stone-carved houses in Petra are still serve as a living apartments for the local bedouin families.… Read more


Aerial view of Sea of Galilee, and its surroundings. The Sea of Galilee - Lake Tiberias, Kinneret or Kinnereth, is a freshwater lake in Israel. It is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth.… Read more


Aerial footage of ruins of an ancient city Hippos / Sussita of Decapolis and overlooking surrounding area of east shore of Sea of Galilee.… Read more


High aerial view of empty Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa mosque and all Old City Jerusalem roads in Kidron Valley, during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.… Read more

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