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Top aerial view of Cave of Banias, Hermon River and ancient ruins. Base of Mt Hermon (Golan Heights, Israel). In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark this site also known as Caesarea Philippi.… Read more


Akeldama is the Aramaic name for Field of Blood - a place in Jerusalem associated with Judas Iscariot, one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus.… Read more


The Pool of Siloam was a rock-cut water reservoir on the southern slope of the City of David, the original site of Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City.… Read more


Fly-away shot of Amphitheater, Lower Agora, Harbor Street and overall view of ancient and glorious city of Ephesus - cultural, trade and religious centre of the ancient world.… Read more


Driving on the back road to the High Place of Sacrifice, a diversion off the main path, but an unmissable part of the Ancient Petra.… Read more


The real story of Masada is the story of courage, the story of purpose, and the story of achieving the impossible. Plus the most astonishing view of the Dead Sea and Judean Wilderness.… Read more


The Dead Sea known in Hebrew as Yam Ha-Melakh (the Sea of Salt) is the lowest point on earth, surrounded by the stunning landscape of the Negev Desert. … Read more


Shechem a.k.a. Nablus - is a city in the northern West Bank, approximately 49 kilometers north of Jerusalem. Located between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim.… Read more


Walking through military trench at Mt. Bental - an overlook with a stunning views of Mt Hermon, Golan Heights and Syria. It is an old military outpost with a network of old bunkers and trenches.… Read more


Aerial overlook of the east part of Elah Valley, near Tel Sokho. The Valley of Elah best know as the place of the battle between David and the Giant Goliath.… Read more


The Second Temple Jerusalem Model recreates the city of 66 BC. It is the glorious reproduction of the Temple itself, which gives a real sense of the amazing achieved by King Herod and his builders.… Read more


The Corinth Canal is an artificial water channel that connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea, Greece.… Read more


The Stone of Unction, also known as the Stone of Anointing, is the place where Christ’ body was laid down after being removed from the crucifix and prepared for burial.… Read more


Aerial overview of Hebron old city and Tomb of the Patriarchs complex. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all venerate Hebron for its association with Abraham.… Read more


The Archaeological Site of Philippi, the most important one in the Eastern Macedonian area of Greece. Apostle Paul visited the city during his second missionary journey.… Read more


The real story of Masada is the story of courage, the story of purpose, and the story of achieving the impossible. Plus the most astonishing view of the Dead Sea and Judean Wilderness.… Read more


Unique location of Nazareth (On top of the ridge, but in the bottom of the valley) served as the "escape place", for those who wished to distance themselves from progressing Roman invasion.… Read more


Haggadah is a Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder. The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover.… Read more


Aerial flyover Tel Megiddo, Armageddon - is the site of the ancient city of Megiddo. Megiddo drew much of its importance from its strategic location between two major transportation routes.… Read more


The Dead Sea known in Hebrew as Yam Ha-Melakh (the Sea of Salt) is the lowest point on earth, surrounded by the stunning landscape of the Negev Desert. … Read more


Drone top shot of the city walls, streets and rooftops near Damascus Gate, the entrance to the Muslim Quarter of Old City Jerusalem.… Read more


Aerial overlook of Tel Sokho, in the east part of Elah Valley. The Valley of Elah best know as the place of the battle between David and the Giant Goliath.… Read more


Aerial view of breathtaking desert and surroundings of Wadi Qelt, a.k.a Nahal Prat region at Judaean Desert. Main ancient road between Jerusalem and Jericho, a backdrop for story of Good Samaritan.… Read more

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