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Just south of Nazareth are the cliffs of Mt. Precipice overlooking the Jezreel Valley, the traditional site were an angry mob tried to throw Jesus off after his bold proclamation in synagogue.… Read more


Jaffa, ( known as Yafo ), is the oldest part of Tel Aviv-Yafo, and ancient port city of Israel. Its famous for biblical stories of Jonah, Solomon and St. Peter.… Read more


In the town of Krynides, next to the ancient city of Philippi there is a unique, monumental church of Saint Lydia. Lydia of Thyatira is the first woman converted to Christianity in Europe.… Read more


Aerial view of breathtaking desert and surroundings of Wadi Qelt, a.k.a Nahal Prat region at Judaean Desert. Main ancient road between Jerusalem and Jericho, a backdrop for story of Good Samaritan.… Read more


Aerial view of ruins and excavations of Antioch of Pisidia and its surroundings. Antioch is an ancient city in the Turkish Lakes Region, and one of the first cities to accept Christianity.… Read more


Aerial footage of ruins of an ancient city Hippos / Sussita of Decapolis and overlooking surrounding area of east shore of Sea of Galilee.… Read more


Capernaum, meaning "Nahum's village", was a fishing village established during the time of the Hasmoneans, located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.… Read more


Aerial view of ancient Bethsaida and its surroundings at the slopes of northern shore of Sea of Galilee and the Upper Jordan River.… Read more


Unique location of Nazareth (On top of the ridge, but in the bottom of the valley) served as the "escape place", for those who wished to distance themselves from progressing Roman invasion.… Read more


Aerial view of Tomb of Samuel and its surroundings. Nabi Samuil National Park is believed to be the site of Prophet Samuel's burial place, and is recognized by Jews, Christians and Muslims.… Read more


Moses instructed the Israelites, when first entering Canaan, to celebrate the event with ceremonies of blessings and cursings on Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal respectively.… Read more


The Second Temple Jerusalem Model recreates the city of 66 BC. It is the glorious reproduction of the Temple itself, which gives a real sense of the amazing achieved by King Herod and his builders.… Read more


Petra Theater is a 1st AD Nabataean Theatre. Substantial part of the theater was carved out of solid rock. The theater could accommodate approximately a 8500 people.… Read more


Bird's view of the Christian Quarter, between New Gate and Jaffa Gate, and overlook on Mamilla shopping center, promenade, city walls, roads and traffic ending with an overview of Old City Jerusalem.… Read more


Aerial view of Canaanite Gate at Biblical Dan Nature Reserve. Dan is a perfect combination between a breathtaking nature and horrifying reminder of alternative worship ritual .… Read more


Aerial footage of Wadi Og [Og Stream] northernmost of the streams that flow from the Judaean Desert into the Dead Sea. Wadi means winterbourne stream.… Read more


Shechem a.k.a. Nablus - is a city in the northern West Bank, approximately 49 kilometers north of Jerusalem. Located between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim.… Read more


The Pool of Siloam was a rock-cut water reservoir on the southern slope of the City of David, the original site of Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City.… Read more


Panoramic aerial view of Greek Orthodox Church at Capernaum, overlooking the northern shore of Sea of Galilee. Israel.… Read more


Pilgrims singing and celebrating during Palm Sunday procession from the Mount of Olives into Lion's Gate (St. Stephen's Gate) and onto the Via Dolorosa.… Read more


Monastery of Petra is a rather inaccurate nickname of a temple that may have been dedicated to the deified Nabatean king Obodas I, and may have been later used as a church (or even a hermitage).… Read more

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