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Some people love it.
Some people hate it.
But very a few can resist the temptation to have an opinion on it. Maybe because it is one of a fewest places on earth that had, and perhaps still have tremendous influence on our education, development, spirituality, social structure, and even world view, regardless if we agree with it or not.

The concentration of historical and spiritual events per square meter on this tiny piece of land, makes it nearly impossible to present it in a single view or description. Every angle revels just a small fraction of the energy it bears in itself. Every picture and every shot burst out age-long accumulated emotional explosion. Seldom possible to grasp it from the first glimpse, but it’s aftertaste continuous to drip from subconsciousness to consciousness long after that bit of the view is forgotten.


Tiberias is an Israeli city on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Established around 20 CE, it was named in honour of the second emperor of the Roman Empire, Tiberius.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


Qumran best known for the legendary discovery of Dead Sea Scrolls. The texts have great linguistic, religious, and historical significance.… Read more


The Muhraka Monastery is a Carmelite monastery which sits on top of the highest peak of the Carmel mountains. Mount Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah. … Read more


The Muhraka Monastery is a Carmelite monastery which sits on top of the highest peak of the Carmel mountains. Mount Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah. … Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


UN flag in the military trench at Mt. Bental - an overlook with a stunning views of Mt Hermon, Golan Heights and Syria. It is an old military outpost with a network of old bunkers and trenches.… Read more


Muhraka at Mt Carmel was the traditional home of the prophet Elijah, and the set for Biblical story about heavenly fire came down and burnt the Elijah's offering when he battled the Baal prophets.… Read more


Walking through military trench at Mt. Bental - an overlook with a stunning views of Mt Hermon, Golan Heights and Syria. It is an old military outpost with a network of old bunkers and trenches.… Read more


Walking through military trench at Mt. Bental - an overlook with a stunning views of Mt Hermon, Golan Heights and Syria. It is an old military outpost with a network of old bunkers and trenches.… Read more


Walking through military trench at Mt. Bental - an overlook with a stunning views of Mt Hermon, Golan Heights and Syria. It is an old military outpost with a network of old bunkers and trenches.… Read more


Crouching by the barbed fence at Mt. Bental - an overlook with a stunning views of Mt Hermon, Golan Heights and Syria. It is an old military outpost with a network of old bunkers and trenches.… Read more

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