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Jerusalem is the city with a fourth dimension.


High angle aerial of Dung Gate, Western Wall, Temple Mount, Dome of Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, and the streets of Old City Jerusalem.… Read more


High angle aerial of Dung Gate, Western Wall, Temple Mount, Dome of Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, and the streets of Silwan arab neighborhood of Jerusalem.… Read more


One of the most striking churches in Jerusalem commemorates the apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Master, his immediate repentance and his reconciliation with Christ after the Resurrection.… Read more


One of the most striking churches in Jerusalem commemorates the apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Master, his immediate repentance and his reconciliation with Christ after the Resurrection.… Read more


One of the most striking churches in Jerusalem commemorates the apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Master, his immediate repentance and his reconciliation with Christ after the Resurrection.… Read more


One of the most striking churches in Jerusalem commemorates the apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Master, his immediate repentance and his reconciliation with Christ after the Resurrection.… Read more


Akeldama is the Aramaic name for Field of Blood - a place in Jerusalem associated with Judas Iscariot, one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus.… Read more

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